

  • Joseph JJ, Perzynski AT, Dungan KM, Beverly EA, Einstadter D, Fiegl J, Love TE, Spence D, Jenkins K, Lorenz A, Uddin SJ, McCutcheon Adams K, Konstan MW, Applegate MS, Bolen SD; Diabetes QIP. Equity-Focused Evaluation of a Medicaid-Funded Statewide Diabetes Quality Improvement Project Collaborative. Diabetes Care. 2025;48(1):38-46. doi:10.2337/dci24-0025.

  • Beverly EA, Koopman-Gonzalez S, Wright J, Dungan K, Pallerla H, Gubitosi-Klug R, Baughman K, Konstan MW, Bolen SD. Assessing Priorities in a Statewide Cardiovascular and Diabetes Health Collaborative Based on the Results of a Needs Assessment: Cross-Sectional Survey Study. JMIR Form Res. 2024;8:e55285. Published 2024 Apr 12. doi:10.2196/55285.

  • Holliday M, Burnett A, Leavitt M, Knapke J, Hargraves D, Pallerla H. Evaluation of an Academic Detailing Program to Improve Blood Pressure Measurement and Hypertension Treatment in Urban Community Health Centers. J Contin Educ Health Prof. 2023 Apr 1;43(2):e13-e17. doi:10.1097/CEH.0000000000000468.

  • Bolen SD, Beverly EA, Khoury S, Regan S, Wright JT Jr, Koroukian S, Wexler R, Rao G, Hargraves D, Bricker D, Solomon GD, Holliday M, Gardner-Buckshaw S, Dworkin L, Perzynski AT, Littman E, Nevar A, Swiatkowski SM, Applegate M, Konstan MW. Forming Cardi-OH: A Statewide Collaborative to Improve Cardiovascular Health in Ohio. Cureus. 2022;14(8):e28381. doi:10.7759/cureus.28381.

Abstract Presentations

  • Beverly EA, Koopman S, Regan S, Dungan K, Wright J, Baughman K, Wexler R, Dworkin L, Hejeebu S, Solomon G, Lamb J, Kinsella A, Lammert L, Nevar A, Irwin G, Rollins C, Littman E, Konstan M, Bolen S. Identifying High Priority Cardiovascular and Diabetes Topics for the Dissemination of Evidence-Based Best Practices: Results from a Statewide Needs Assessment. Poster presented at: American Diabetes Association 83rd Annual Scientific Sessions; June 23-26, 2023, San Diego, CA.

  • Bolen SD, Beverly EA, Dungan K, Wright Jr JT, Koopman-Gonzalez, S, Perzynski A, Rao G, Regan S, Wexler R, Solomon GD, Lamb JF, Joseph JJ, Jordan CR, Fiegl J, Caron A, Sanders C, Daprano J, Jenkins K, Lorenz A, Spence D, Baughman KR, Dworkin LD, Juame J, Littman E, Nevar A, Sullivan C, Applegate MS, Konstan M. Expanding a Medicaid-Funded Statewide Collaborative to Include Diabetes Outcomes. Presented at: Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM) Annual Meeting; May 10-13 2023, Aurora, CO.

  • Bolen SD, Beverly EA, Regan S, Wright Jr JT, Koroukian S, Koopman-Gonzalez S, Wexler R, Dungan K, Rao G, Solomon GD, Lamb JF, Holliday MB, Gardner-Buckshaw SL, Baughman K, Dworken L, Juame J, Littman E, Nevar A, Konstan MW. Cardi-OH Formation and Reach: A Statewide Cardiovascular and Diabetes Health Collaborative. Presented at: Academy Health Annual Research Meeting; June 4-7, 2022, Washington D.C.

  • Bolen SD, Beverly EA, Regan S, Wright Jr. JT, Koroukian S, Koopman-Gonzalez S, Wexler R, Dungan K, Rao G, Solomon GD, Lamb J, Holliday M, Gardner-Buckshaw S, Baughman K, Dworkin L, Juame J, LittmanE, Nevar A, and Konstan MW. Cardi-OH Formation and Reach: A Statewide Cardiovascular Health Collaborative. Presented at: Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM) Annual Meeting; April 6-9, 2022, Orlando, FL.

  • Beverly EA, Koopman S, Dungan K, Wright JT, Rao G, Solomon G, Holliday M, Baughman KR, Konstan M, Bolen S. Identifying High Priority Clinical Topics via a Statewide Needs Assessment: The Cardi-OH Collaborative. Poster presented at: Association of Diabetes Education and Care Specialists Annual Conference; August 13-16, 2021, Virtual Conference.

  • Beverly EA, Dungan K, Wright JT, Caron A, Clemens M, Aldrich S, Gawlick K, Sajatovic M, Rao G, Solomon G, Holliday M, Lewis J, Nevar A, Swiatkowski S, Konstan M, Bolen S. A statewide needs assessment to inform best practices for the Ohio Cardiovascular and Diabetes Health Collaborative (Cardi-OH). Poster presented at: American Diabetes Association 81st Scientific Sessions; June 25-29, 2021, Virtual Conference.

  • Khoury S, Wright JT, Perzynski AT, Caron A, Rao G, Koroukian S, Solomon GD, Holliday MB, Gardner-Buckshaw SL, Dworkin L, Beverly E, Wexler R, Nevar A, Nance M, Albanese S, Wharton DP, Applegate MS, Konstan M, Bolen SD. Ohio Cardiovascular Health Collaborative (Cardi-OH) Needs Assessment Results. J Gen Intern Med. 2020;35(Suppl 1): S210-S211.

Quality Improvement Projects


  • Bolen SD, Joseph JJ, Dungan KM, Beverly EA, Perzynski AT, Einstadter D, Fiegl J, Love TE, Spence D, Jenkins K, Lorenz A, Jalal Uddin S, McCutcheon Adams K, Konstan MW, Applegate MS; Diabetes Quality Improvement Collaborative. A Medicaid-Funded Statewide Diabetes Quality Improvement Collaborative: Ohio 2020‒2022. Am J Public Health. 2023;113(12):1254-1257.

  • Bolen SD, Koroukian S, Wright JT Jr, Persaud H, Einstadter D, Fiegl J, Perzynski AT, Gunzler D, Sullivan C, Lever J, Konstan M, Crane D, Lorenz A, Menegay M, Spence D, RajanBabu A, Groznik W, Oberly T, Qian X, Jordan CR, Virgil P, Yarberry S, Saunders E, Teall AM, Zurmehly J, Nance M, Albanese S, Wharton D, Applegate MS. A Medicaid Statewide Hypertension Quality Improvement Project: Initial Results. Cureus. 2023;15(3): e36132. doi:10.7759/cureus.36132.

  • Saunders E, Teall AM, Zurmehly J, Bolen SD, Crane D, Wright J Jr, Perzynski A, Lever J. Coaching quality improvement in primary care to improve hypertension control. J Am Assoc Nurse Pract. 2022; 34(7):932-940. doi:10.1097/JXX.0000000000000731.

Abstract Presentations

  • Prabu A, Fiegl J, Beverly E, Dungan K, Einstadter D, Love T, Joseph J, Sullivan C, Konstan M, Jenkins K, Spence D, Bolen S. Medication Adherence in Ohio Medicaid with Diabetes. Poster presented at: Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM) Annual Meeting; May 10-13, 2023, Aurora, CO.

  • Bolen SD, Navale S, Koroukian S, Persaud H, Menegay M, Einstadter D, Wright Jr. JT, Cebul R, Adam Perzynski A, Sullivan C, Lever J, Konstan M, Crane D, Lorenz A, Spence D, RajanBabu A, Oberly T, Qian X, Jordan CR, Nance M, Albanese S, Wharton D, Applegate M. Improving Blood Pressure Control in Ohio Safety Net Primary Care Practices through Innovative Partnerships. Presented at: AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting; July 28-August 6, 2020, Virtual Conference.

  • Bolen SD, Navale S, Prince L, Koroukian S, Menegay M, Einstadter D, Wright JT, Cebul RD, Perzynski AT, Sullivan C, Lever J, Konstan M, Crane DA, Lorenz A, Spence D, RajanBabu A, Oberly T, Nance M, Albanese S, Wharton DP, Applegate MS. Blood Pressure Medication Patterns of Use in Ohio Medicaid Beneficiaries with Uncontrolled Hypertension. J Gen Intern Med. 2020;35(Suppl 1):S45-S46. doi:10.1007/s11606-020-05890-3.

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